Why Printed Portraits

What happened to the world yesterday, March 5, 2024?  Both Facebook and Instagram went down.  I can only imagine if you use either of those as the main source to store your precious memories, you had a moment of panic.  This happened to one of my friends who had who memories store on Shutterfly.  She had years of pictures of her Mom and husband, both who have passed away, stored in her Shutterfly files thinking that they were safe.  Shutterfly changed their policy and because she had not purchased from them for quite some time, she lost her pictures.  Pictures of her young sons, her husband, her Mom, pictures that could not be replaced.  Now, this story has a happy ending, after much begging, Shutterfly restored her account.   But why take that risk?


Back in the day, before digitals, as a hobby photographer, I printed every picture in duplicate.  It served me well.  I was able to put a set in a photo album and share the others with friends and family.  It created bonds to the ones that I love.  Then came the day of the cd.  I would do one print, and then get my pictures on a cd, and later just on cd.  Now, I do not have a computer with a cd slot on it.  So, I bought an external cd slot, but it does not work.  So, I do not have access to about 5 years of pictures, precious pictures of family.  So many folks these days only want digital.  Yet, I have spoken to many who have lost CDs, thumb drives, computer or phone died, and they no longer have access to their portraits.  Or, they simply have so many pictures stored in their phone or on their computer, that they cannot find the picture that they want to see.  I find this to be incredibly sad.  While I am all for having a digital copy of your portraits, I believe in prints that do not require high and ever-changing technology to view.   


 There are other advantages to the printed portrait.  Consider the self-esteem of your child.  Now they are the art on your wall to be admired.  Family portraits help cement family bonds, they see the love that the family has for one another, even as they may be mad at their sibling.  Celebrating the graduate and their accomplishments is a wonderful tribute to them.  It also preserves this moment in time for them and all the family.  Your adult children need to have a portrait of their Mom who has been the wind beneath their wings since birth.  They need that picture to feel lifted every time they walk by it.  Printed portraits lift the spirits of those who view them.   They should be printed large and proudly displayed for all to be encouraged by.


I am OKC photographer Karen Bunch, and I create art from the faces that you love.  Being a photoshop artisan, I can make montages or a painting, use creative backgrounds, add smoke or other special techniques to your portrait even more unique and special.  Beautiful portraits, printed as giclée’s to be framed, or canvas gallery wraps to be hung are among my favorite options. Metal or acrylic ar other options which work beautifully.   I also make lay flat books that can hold many portraits.   Let’s talk about what is best for your family and home. 


Why Family Portraits